Lend your skills to making a difference in these vital cases.

"Without question, the most underutilized expert in criminal defenses is the mental health professional."

—Charles A.  Asher, DefenseMap.com codeveloper

There is a growing awareness that many accused persons, perhaps millions every year, should be assisted by a mental health, sentencing, or mitigation specialist as part of their defense.  But few are.

And a leading reason for this failure is that even diligent defense attorneys have lacked a tool to screen clients regarding the need for these allied professionals’ involvement.

That has now changed with the availability of DefenseMap.com.

Building and expanding a forensic practice.

  • Why attorneys need you.
  • 7 tips to effectively working with attorneys.
  • Sample letters to begin collaborating with attorneys.
Free: Distinguishing a Legal Practice with Defense Maps.
  • Unrivaled ease-of-use.
  • Unrivaled information.
  • Supporting unrivaled representation.